Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Wild antelope on the range

On our way to Cascade Springs, (which I failed to get a pic of! next time), we spotted this herd of about seven antelope. Now anyone that lives in an area where these roam freely knows how rare it is to encounter this particular animal. Let's put it this way; the last time I saw wild antelope was about 8 years ago near a reststop on I-70 going toward Colorado. At the time I took it for granted that they were like deer in their abundance, but I have gotten wiser to their ways, and now when I see them, I feel lucky. One other cool thing about this daytrip happened to be a mountain lion sighting. Keith saw it dart across the road on our way out of the Strawberry Point road. But dangit, I barely saw the back end of it as it disappeared into the bushes. From what I could see I was very happy to have been inside the car! It was huge!

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