Sunday, December 21, 2008


Can I go back into hibernation now please?!?

Monday, December 8, 2008

Out of hibernation

So I noticed it's been about 5 months since I've posted. This had made me realize how fast the months go by! When I posted last, I had just moved to an area near Portland, Oregon. That was 6 months ago! So now I'm back in SLC and it's snowing. I'm still adjusting to being here, since no matter what anyone says...every place is different than the next, at least in small ways. I have many new ideas, since moving away and returning. I will say that it was very cool to see Twilight (movie) up in Washington! I saw it when I came back here, and the "feeling" just wasn't the same...maybe something to do with the misty, rainy, overcast weather up there? Too many blue skies here for a vampire to exist happily!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

No red rocks here!

Here's a few pics of where I live now. I traded the red, dry desert for blue water and green, leafy trees! What a difference, eh?!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Spring Hike

Flintstones Living Room

Monday, March 31, 2008

More thoughts and words

People who think too much before they act don't act too much.

The above is an excerpt from Where is Joe Merchant?
By Jimmy Buffett

Those words really made me think when I first read them. It seems that sometimes we think things through so thoroughly that we end up not acting upon anything that we've dreamt of, planned on, or set as a goal, because we think of all of the consequences. For me, I tend to think of what people will think of me. I'm very indecisive, and I find myself running in circles of indecision until I end up not acting on any choice. Thinking and thinking and thinking until I think myself right out of everything. Like right now, I can't decide on a way to wrap up this for now, I'll leave it frayed at the end.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Natural wonders

My immune system could only hold out for so long I suppose, because I finally caught the nasty cold/flu gambu that is going around. But as with all things in life, there is usually something good to learn out of the bad...(usually). So I decided to try the herb Elderberry, because a) I was desperate to get over this thing really fast, and b) it was one of a very few natural medicines we had in the house. I had woken up with a terrible soar throat, which I had for three days, and I couldn't sleep, swallow, or breathe. It was 4:30 a.m. and I was convinced I had strep throat, was going to be calling in sick to work, and going to see my doctor later that day. At that early hour, I looked up Elderberry online and it mentioned many benefits related to my cold/flu symptoms. So I took two and fell asleep almost immediately. Wow, I woke up with a very minor soar throat, whereas before I couldn't even swallow my own saliva! It was a wonderful discovery, and I got a peaceful sleep after that, and I went to work and I didn't have to go to the doctor. This is, of course, my own discovery, so it may not work for everyone, but heck, it was worth a try! The second part to the story I was looking up Elderberry, it reminded me of something funny that happened a few years ago. I am an avid leaf collector, and at one point in my life I thought it would be fun to make some little framed, leaf, art pieces and sell them at the farmer's market. So long story short, I picked some beautiful red leaves and put them into five art works. Well, guess what those pretty red leaves were? Poison ivy! I didn't know it until a few months later when I saw a picture at the trailhead that said "Don't touch these! Poison Ivy!" I wondered where that red itchy rash on my hands had come from!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Neat-o words

I keep thinking of things to post, but I just don't take the time. So I decided to start posting a little more often, but they might be more random thoughts. I think it will be more interesting to do that than to wait for important subject matter. I like the idea of spewing frivolous ideas out to you all. So my first one is neat-o words that I really get a chuckle out of hearing. A man from po-dunk called and said "I'll be up a creek...!" It looks like correct English, but it's the way it's said that is the great part. He said creek like "crick". I loved it. I don't get to be around hillbillies as much as my bro in Texas, so when I get the chance to hear (or see) this rare species, I can't help myself! That's the only word I have in my pocket right now, but as soon as I "get" more, I'll post 'em up!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Zest, passion, interest, or obsession...Me and my sis were talking about what careers we would want to do the for the rest of our lives. She happens to be passionate about helping deaf people, so she is learning ASL (American sign language). She wants to make this her future, besides making money to support herself, she will be helping people, (which I might add is one of her greatest talents). I'm in a place of indecisiveness on what to do with my career. I already took a break from school, so I can step back and look at what I need to do. I have some talent in writing, plus I love to write. I just never take the time to do it, unless assigned at school. So, hmm, the dilemma of moving to a place that I feel comfortable learning to write, as well as having something interesting to write about is what is boggling my mind at this moment.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

New year, now what continued...

I really appreciated the comments on the former post "New year, now what?". I thought they were interesting and while I've been giving some thought to the school situation, the comments helped me realize things from different aspects. I feel that I want my college degree, not just for society, but for myself. It is something that I have wanted for about five years, and it is something that I've put a lot of time and money into as well. My dilemma comes in the form of wanting a degree from a university, that I can be proud to say I attended, and successfully getting a major that I will also be proud of. Hopefully the direction I'm thinking of heading is going to fulfill those needs. Right now, I am keeping that stuff to myself, but I will definitely keep you all updated.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Crossing bridges

Quite literally

Crossing bridges

Not in my mind,

But the traveling kind...

Silly poem, but I was just thinking about all of the bridges we cross in our lives as we drive mindlessly in our vehicles. I was reading an online article in VIA magazine, which is the AAA traveler's companion and I realized that I don't appreciate bridges as much as I should. (Here's the link- The article was written in March 2003, and referred to the architecture of the bridges along the Oregon Coast. My sis and I have traveled over at least 5 of the 8 bridges mentioned in the article. It brought to mind all of the times that we drive over these amazing structures and barely notice them. So I decided to blog about it and hopefully post a pic or two (eventually). There is also a bridge about 10 miles out of Lava Hot Springs, Idaho that I really appreciate. It crosses a 10 to 15 foot stream, but it's a long way down. There are also numerous bridges in Southern Utah that are just downright scary to cross. I'd love to hear about anyone else's bridge "experiences", so if you have any pics or stories, post them on the comments! Thanks!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New year, what now?

I guess the new year is supposed to bring up mostly positive feelings, ideas, emotions, and possibilities, but there are always "leftovers" from the year before that have to be taken care of first. How about college? I've never been a good student; I despised high school, and tried to like college, but after trying to get good grades, graduate, etc., for so long, I'm throwing in the book. I'm taking a break from school...It might not come as a surprise to most, but it does to me. I really thought I'd have graduated by now! It's been yeeeaarrsss! But this isn't all bad, cause guess what? I feel so much relief by making this decision! I didn't feel like I had any part of my soul left. Kudos to all of those who have ever made it through college! You have my sympathy and congrats!