Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Does living alone=bad habits?

Okay, so I have recently acquired some bad habits; habits I never thought I'd "do". I live mostly alone, my roommate comes and goes, but mostly goes, therefore, this makes it really easy for me to do whatever I want, which in this case is forming a bad habit or two (maybe more, but I can't give all of them up right now!). It's nice to wake up, eat ice cream at 8:00 in the morning, (and here's the habit part), right out of the container! I also drink juice, etc. directly from the bottle. I'm talking about the 64 ouncer and the 2 liter! It's funny, cause without someone there to see me do it, or reprimand me, it actually feels like "home". My mom would be soooo proud!
[side note] My place is sparkling clean though! :)


Nevaeh said...

hahaha! Wow, I never knew you to be such a SLOB!! Never in my life would I think you would drink out of a carton of juice either!! My goodness do I need to move back there to keep you a upstanding young girl?!?! :) You sound like you are having a blast in good 'ol Cedar. Glad you can be yourself! Love ya sis.

Mrs. Lord said...

At least your place is clean!! I have 2 kids at home...wait a minute...make that 3! Your brother, Lord, isn't exactly an adult! And two soon as it's's dirty again....AAAAARRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!