Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Neat-o words

I keep thinking of things to post, but I just don't take the time. So I decided to start posting a little more often, but they might be more random thoughts. I think it will be more interesting to do that than to wait for important subject matter. I like the idea of spewing frivolous ideas out to you all. So my first one is neat-o words that I really get a chuckle out of hearing. A man from po-dunk called and said "I'll be up a creek...!" It looks like correct English, but it's the way it's said that is the great part. He said creek like "crick". I loved it. I don't get to be around hillbillies as much as my bro in Texas, so when I get the chance to hear (or see) this rare species, I can't help myself! That's the only word I have in my pocket right now, but as soon as I "get" more, I'll post 'em up!